Creative Wellness Services

  • Painting Events

    Experience a journey in creative wellness through a guided canvas painting and discover your inner artist. Creative mentor Claire comes to you and guides you to the joy of creative painting.

  • Expressive Art Session

    Art sessions full of free expression, to find inner creativity. Mix media projects to relax and inspire.

  • Yoga and Meditation

    Experience a relaxing guided meditation, with yoga, deep breathing, affirmations and guided imagery - to calm the mind, body and heart.

    For special needs programs.

Welcome to Golden Crocus Creative

Embark on a creative journey with a canvas painting, expressive art session or a guided meditation with gentle yoga. I am a painting instructor and meditation guide - my name is Claire. My mission with Golden Crocus Creative is to give others the opportunity to creatively express themselves. I have been serving adults with special needs for over 4 years now and started as a registered behavioral technician for children on the spectrum.

I provide canvas painting events for private parties and expressive art sessions with gentle yoga and meditations for special needs day programs, retirement communities and children. I look forward to creating with you!